cousins4.txt Cousins, A Fantasy by Karen T. When I was thirteen years old, I went to stay at my cousin's house while my mother and aunt went away for a "mini vacation." It was the fourth of July weekend and I was going to spend some time with two cousins whom I hadn't seen in almost a year since they lived so far away. Tony was my age and Jill, his sister was eighteen. While our mothers were away, she was going to "babysit" for us. Mom and I arrived on Friday afternoon and then she and my aunt left about half an hour later. Jill told us we could play inside until dinner so we went to Tony's room. We played with some of his toys for a while and got bored and started horsing around. It didn't take long before it got out of hand and while running through the house we tackled each other and fell into a lamp and broke it. Jill was furious. She told us that we were just too wild and needed to be taught how to behave properly. She said she had a way to do this and ordered us back into Tony's room. Jill told us that she wanted us to take a bath before dinner and that we were to take our clothes off and get in the tub. While we undressed, she prepared a scented bubble bath for us. When I saw that I said "No way," but she said if we didn't get in right away, she would give us both a good spanking. We both decided the bath would be a better idea. Jill left us to wash ourselves. When she came back, she checked to make sure we had done a good job and then told us to dry off and go back to Tony's room to get dressed. When we got there, laid out on the bed were two dresses and a collection of girl's underwear. She told us that while Tony and I were in the tub, she went back into Tony's room and put all of our clothes into his closet and locked the door. "I hid the key where you won't find it" she said, and told us that since we couldn't behave properly as boys, for the rest of the weekend we would learn to behave as "proper young ladies" and would wear dresses and skirts instead of pants. Tony and I protested vigorously, but to no avail. Jill instructed us in how to put on the panties, tights, slips, and dresses and helped us with our zippers which were on the back. Once we were dressed, Jill took us into her room. Starting with Tony, she first rolled his long hair up in curlers and then polished his fingernails a bright pink color. Then she started making up his face with eye-shadow, eye-liner, mascara, blush, and a bright pink lipstick to match his nails. While he was put under a hair dryer, I was given the same treatment. Both of us had almost shoulder length hair and Jill was able to create a very pretty feminine style with it. When Jill was done with my face, Tony's hair was done so she combed it out and put me under the dryer. While waiting for my hair to dry, She found us both shoes with two inch heels. These she said would teach us to be more careful when we walked so we wouldn't bump into things. Once my hair was done, she had us stand in front of a mirror and look at our new looks. She told us that for the rest of the weekend this was how we would look, so we'd better get used to it. Then she taught us how to walk like a girl and how to sit in a skirt. She also taught us how to move like a girl, instead of as a boy. By this time, we were all getting hungry and Jill said that since she spent so much time making us "presentable," she didn't have time to cook anything for dinner. She decided that we would go out to eat instead. We pleaded with her not to make us go out this way, but she said she was hungry and we were going out to eat and that was that. We went to a diner and when the waitress came over to our table, she complimented Jill on what she thought were her two very pretty daughters. Mercifully, Jill did not reveal our secret. All through the meal Jill coached us on our table manners and reminded us that we were to act as ladies at all times, otherwise she would tell everybody what we really were. Afterward, we went back to the house and Jill told us we could watch some TV, after we got dressed for bed. She helped us out of our clothes and make-up, put our hair up in rollers again and gave us both nightgowns, robes, and slippers to wear. When we went to bed, she told us to get a good night's sleep, since we had a busy day ahead. The next morning, we got up and this time, Jill set out some leotards and tights for us to wear. She said that we were going to join her at her dance class. She also gave us skirts and blouses to wear over them as cover-ups for the trip there and back. We also were given the same high heels again and after a light breakfast, Jill took us to the dance studio. She introduced us to the instructor and the other girls as "Toni" and "Joanie." (My real name was John, but everyone called me Johnny.) We were supposed to be her nieces, and were visiting for the weekend. Tony and I didn't have the experience or ability of the other girls, but we tried real hard since Jill repeated her threat to tell everyone our true story. We were accepted as girls by the others there and Jill was satisfied. After class, we went back to the house and Jill told us that we were going to the beach for the afternoon. She got us out girl's swimsuits and terry coverups to wear and told us to change. We were both afraid that our disguise wouldn't hold up in these outfits, but Jill said we were going to an area that was rather private and didn't have too many people there. We had a wonderful afternoon at the beach, swimming and playing on the beach while Jill caught up on her tan. Afterwards, we went home and bathed and got dressed up again in our pretty dresses for dinner. Saturday night we stayed home and watched TV and Jill gave us more instruction in how to behave properly as girls. Neither Tony or I liked the idea much, but the threat of our mothers finding out about how the lamp got broken, or about how we spent the weekend would be too much to handle. Jill said she would back give us a cover story about the lamp and the weekend and would back us on it if we behaved for the rest of the weekend. Sunday, it rained all day! The beach was out and Jill said we had to stay indoors. She told us to play with dolls. Dolls! We were getting a bit fed up with this and Jill said we could go to a movie matinee that afternoon. Since our mothers weren't expected back until late in the evening, we went in our dresses. However, when we got back to the house, there they were, waiting for us. They said that since it was raining, there wasn't much to do so they decided to get a head start on the traffic and take us out for dinner instead. Tony and I were both very embarrassed and Jill had to explain what happened and why Tony and I were standing there dressed as girls. When she told the story, our moms went into another room for a few minutes to talk. When they came back, instead of telling Jill to give us back our own clothes, they said that after thinking about it for a while, we looked rather cute as girls and maybe Jill had the right idea to correct our behavior after all. Jill's mom told her to get the closet key and give it to her. When she did, my mom told us that they had decided that we were going to spend the summer as girls so that we could learn some manners and gentler behavior. Jill was ecstatic but Tony and I both started screaming "No way!" and asked for our clothes back. It was to no avail as our mothers told us that bright and early Monday morning, we were going shopping for some new girl's clothes to wear for the rest of the summer. "In the meantime, we're hungry so let's get some supper," they said. Jill helped us freshen our make-up and off we went to the restaurant. The next morning, when we got up mothers saw to it that we were properly bathed and dressed. We wore bras stuffed with pantyhose, panties, slips, and dresses, again with the two inch heels. We went to the mall and the first stop we made was at the beauty salon. There we had our hair cut and permed in a girl's style. We also had facials done and our eyebrows were waxed to a very feminine shape. Then we spent the rest of the day trying on dresses, skirts, blouses, shoes, and lingerie. Our mothers told us that for the rest of the summer we would not be wearing any pants! We did get some coulottes and tennis skirts with panties built in, but that was as close to shorts as we got. Jill also told her mom about our trip to the dance class so we got our own leotards and tights as well, since both our moms agreed that we should enroll in the dance class too. Before we left the mall, we went to a jewelry shop. My aunt said she wanted to look at some earrings. When we got there, our moms started looking at some pierced earrings and my mom held a pair up to my ears and said "These should look very pretty on you." They decided that we should have our ears pierced. Tony and I tried to protest but again we were threatened with having our real gender revealed so we had to let them do it. Jill told us we would love wearing earrings after we got used to them, as the saleslady came over to do first mine, and then Tony's ears. We each got a pretty pair of starter earrings and also a pair of regular ones for when the piercing studs came out. While we were there, our moms ordered name necklaces for us, "Toni" for Tony and "Joanie" for me. This, they said, was so we could remember who we were and what we were supposed to be!